Here is a script I made for my cpanel servers, to place webalizer stats outside cpanel. Users will be able to goto and see their webstats.
NOTE: This script is for the server administrator, if you have a cpanel account you can do the procces manually (a google search will return lots of howtos).
#!/bin/bash users=`ls -1A /var/cpanel/users/` count=1 for x in `echo -n "$users"`;do if [ ! -d "/home/"$x"/public_html/stats" ]; then ln -s /home/"$x"/tmp/webalizer /home/"$x"/public_html/stats chown -R "$x":"$x" /home/"$x"/public_html/stats chmod 755 /home/"$x"/tmp chmod 755 /home/"$x"/tmp/webalizer count=$[$count+1] echo "stats for user "$x" have been setup" echo; else echo "stats for user "$x" were ready" echo; fi done
Once you execute the script all cpanel accounts will have their webstats available at For new accounts you can create /scripts/legacypostwwwacct.
vi /scripts/legacypostwwwacct
and insert
#!/bin/bash mkdir /home/"$2"/tmp/webalizer chown -R "$2":"$2" /home/"$2"/tmp/webalizer ln -s /home/"$2"/tmp/webalizer /home/"$2"/public_html/stats chown -R "$2":"$2" /home/"$2"/public_html/stats chmod 755 /home/"$2"/tmp chmod 755 /home/"$2"/tmp/webalizer
save and make it executable
chmod 755 /scripts/legacypostwwwacct
If you want to have a username & password to access stats, you can go to cpanel “Password Protect Directories” and create them or modify the script and create them automatically.