While there are a lot of control control panels for apache, I believe this is the sole for nginx.
For this setup to work you should already have nginx, mysql and php installed and configured in your system.
fetch the latest version to your server
wget http://files.froxlor.org/releases/froxlor-latest.tar.gz
untar it
tar xvfz froxlor-latest.tar.gz
move extracted files to your public web directory, if it’s the default of nginx, it should be /usr/share/nginx/html/
mv froxlor/* /usr/share/nginx/html/
open a web browser and navigate to your server. You should see the following screen. Press “configure froxlor”
next froxlor will test your system for needed requirements. Since centos base repositories doesn’t have php v 5.2 yet, follow the instructions here to upgrade to 5.2. Once your system meets all the requirements click on “continue installation”
create a database & a user for froxlor to use and fill in the required information at the next step. When done press next
froxlor is now ready. Press “Click here to login” to go to the login screen
login as admin with the password you gave at the previous step
Froxlor is now installed. Because Froxlor doesn’t support centos, you’ll have to go to settings and configure froxlor for all installed services.
i can’t find the configuration option for Centos in control panel.
As I’m saying in my post
Unfortunately I didn’t ever put froxlor “in production”
As far as I can remember you have to settings and give the paths for the services and the configuration files
If you have hard time to set it up you can always visit froxlors forums
http://forum.froxlor.org/ or find an alternative that has native centOS support